Welcome to 2011 Health. As an 8th grader you are responsible for new heights and limits that you thought you could never reach. Health is a fun, unique and interesting way to learn about all sorts of concepts relating to health. This includes drugs, alcohol, commercials, influences and other mighty topics.
You want to get an A, in this class you need to be proactive. This means be ready to bring it, show up, ball out, bring the rock, kill it, crush it and throw down. Health is easy if you take a little initiative and bring your skills to class. Being Proactive means to show up with 3 things, they are as follows:
1 – Note Book with a section dedicated to notes (all tests are open notes)
2 – Planner
3 – Open attitude and willingness to learn…oh and a pencil
Look, I know thinking win win is something you have heard in “every class” but remember this: The hardest part of this class is homework and tests. However, there IS time in class to do your homework and ALL tests are open note. So, if I ask you to take notes and you don’t want to, think about this – If I take all the notes today, the test will be easy tomorrow. WIN WIN BOOM.
In order to get an A in health you need to understand how to do it. Think first to understand health before I can understand your work.If you know how to get the A, it should be a lot easier to obtain…right! That is thinking with the end in mind. Here is how you are graded:
25% - Health Journal
25% - Tests
25% - Homework
15% - Attitude
10% - Planner
Know what each aspect is worth so you can get A each and every quarter. Think with the end in mind.
Health is a fun unique class where essential life skills are learned. You will be able to use these skills for the rest of your life. Sharpening the saw means for you to take these skills outside the classroom for your benefit as a possible way to stay healthy and live a long sustainable life. Sharpen the saw for yourself and those around you.
I look forward to working with you in this next semester and cant wait to see where our minds and hard work takes us.
Mr. Lansing